Untitled Untitled Untitled

Oh. Hey Monday.

This week is going to be my week!!
Although it's not my first choice of how I want to spend my every day, I will be:
Getting the house clean and ready for our new roomie to move in.
I will be knocking out a fatty research paper.
I will be putting in extra hours at work. 
I will be studying for an exam for next week.
I will be starting on my Praxis practice book so that I can hopefully take in in January.
I will be dedicating much needed gym time to my body.  

Sounds so great, right? No.  But a positive attitude and a proactive mindset can make this work so much better.  
As I was, ahem, procrastinating this morning I found some helpful study tips posted by Nicole and Gypsy and Jasper that she plans on using to help her stay motivated while she works from home.  Maybe they can help all of us as well!

1. Boost productivity and focus by forcing yourself to have only ONE application open at a time on your computer when you’re working. Allow only a 10-minute window at the end of each hour to check email accounts and social media sites.  

2. The key to staying productive is recognizing the difference between using household chores to avoid work and taking a 3-minute mental break for laundry, a quick stretch or sprint up and down the steps to get your blood moving.  

I will always choose cleaning over working...and I loathe cleaning.  This is my studying downfall.

3. Although there are a lot of great informative, interesting and educational shows on television, the workday isn’t the time to be doing all that “learning.” Instead of frittering away hours in front of the tube (or the YouTube) turn that digital distraction into a reward for a good day’s work.

4. Simple awareness of your workday habits, bumping up your discipline and creating balance between work and leisure are your best weapons in the fight against wasted time and negative productivity.

Here are some of my go-to playlists if you are planning on having a week like mine!
For Homework 
For the Gym
For the Library
Good Mood Food

Happy Monday All!!


  1. Oh my your blog is SO cute!! Don't think this is totally weird, but I saw your comment on Brunch in April and clicked on your link... haha. So hopefully you don't mind if I follow you :) But yeah, love the blog. So And those are some great tips!

    Morgan @ morgan-alexandra.blogspot.com

  2. haha, some of these tips are much needed for me ;) xx

  3. looks like you have a busy week of studying a work ahead of you! Good luck with it all! xo

  4. Great tips, I'm much the same! I only ever clean voluntarily when I'm avoiding uni work! Luckily, I'm finished for the year so enjoying a nice break :)

