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His & Her

I found a new link-up through a blog called Love, The Grows that just looks like way too much fun to not participate in.  Plus, it gets Jake involved in bloggy world for 5 minutes every week.  I probably won't commit to every Sunday, but hopefully I'll get it done at some point throughout every week.  
If you want to join, just click on over to the Grows' blog and link up!
Your house is on fire. What five items do you grab before you leave?
His: Bentley, the snake, my gun, my laptop, and my manila folder (full of important documents).
Her: Since Jake has the pup and the snake, I would grab my laptop, my manila folder, the scrapbooks, my jewelry, and my childhood stuffed animal.

If you could be/had to be the main character of any movie, who would you be?
His: Um…uh…that’s a hard question to answer.  Probably Spiderman so I could sling webs yo.
Her: I’ll be Mary Jane so Jake can save me from death every once in a while.  Yo.

What physical feature do you love most about yourself?
His: My Hair
Her: My eyes.  For sure.

Tell us why your name is your name. And if you don't have (or know) an answer, make one up.
His: My dad wanted to name me Wyatt but my mom said ‘no, his name is going to be Jacob.’ So my dad said, ‘Can his middle name be Wyatt?’ My mom again, said no, ‘His middle name will be Michal.’  So they settled on Jacob Michal Wyatt
Her: My mom just liked it.  My dad wanted to go with Jessie.  I am glad that my mom won that battle.

What is the greatest place you've ever traveled to?
His: Probably Catalina
Her: Boston.  I loved it.

Are you a morning person or a night person?
His: Late night, early morning.
Her: Late morning, early evening. Completely opposite of my love.

Who is someone you wish you were closer to?
His: Nicole’s dad.
Her: One of my little sisters.

What quality do you have that you hope your kids inherit?
His: Faith.
Her: My love for family.

What's your favorite memory with your childhood best friend?
His: Hanging out at the lake.
Her: ‘The Cool Girls Club.’  Along with the other 8 girls on our street, Kori and I set up a club in her garage that had its own language and everything.  It actually went on for a good two or so years.

If you had to move out of the country where would you move to?
His:.I feel like I’d be a good Canadian.
Her: Probably the UK.


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