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Closet Office Inspiration

I am one of those people who just has to have a space of my own.  A space where no one else's stuff is and a place where I can safely leave my stuff laying around.  
Jake doesn't really like this about me.  He wants everything to be shared, which is great until it comes to desks.  
He is a gamer and is constantly on his computer, at our desk, playing video games.  When school is in session, I am constantly at a desk doing schoolwork.  Because we have a roommate in the room that would be a shared office with two desks, Jake and I are currently sharing a single desk...its already not working and school hasn't even started yet.

This all said, we have a itsy bitsy teeny weeny coat closet downstairs that I am going to beg him to let me turn into a closet office of my own (This will be the hard part).  

Here is some of my inspiration.  And when I do get one because I will win this battle I shall call it my Cloffice.

Unfortunately, because we plan on renting out our condo in the future, I don't want to build anything so I will have to find a small enough desks and easy shelves but if there is a will, there is a way!



  1. you are beautiful. & I love your little office in the closet. great idea.
