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Boston Love

My pup is famous!

Ok.  Not really, but he has been reblogged a few times via Tumblr after I decided to submit some of his pictures to a website called 'Fuck Yeah Boston Terriers' (and yes, I do feel a little guilty for dropping the F-Bomb on my blog, but the site is too cute to keep to myself).  If you love boston terriers, or just cute things in general, you should go look at this site.  

I'm constantly 'aww-ing' while I'm on it and I call Jake over to my computer at least every other picture because this time, 'it really is the cutest one!'

While we are on the subject of loving bostons...
If you have, or have ever even met, a Boston, you will understand how funny this is.  Seriously, Bentley has made my nose immune to bad smell by now.


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