Untitled Untitled Untitled

Ask and I shall receive!

Well that wasn't hard! Apparently the boyy was having second thoughts about sharing a desk too because he didn't even hesitate when I told him I was desk hunting!

Long story short, I went to every thrift and regular store (Target, Ross, Etc) and couldn't find anything that would fit in this little space so I went home wearing the saddest face that I could muster up and asked the boyfriend to build me a desk.  Honestly, I wasn't even expecting a 'yes', much less a 'Sure, let's go to Home Depot.'  But that's what happened! So off we went to that place that I loathed so much as a child and I picked out my $13 board that would soon make up an entire office.

He finds new ways to amaze me every day.  How lucky am I?
Anyway...want a tour of my new Cloffice?!
(Keep in mind people, my camera is the iphone 3)

How he did it!
See...perfect fit!

The Bentley Creature can't quite figure out why mom has so suddenly taken such a liking to the coat closet but he better get used to it because beside for work and maybe for sleep...this is where I will be 24/7. I am so in love!  
Thanks Jacob! 


  1. I AM SO JEALOUS! Seriously, I'm dying for a closet office. Unfortunately we live in a tiny tiny place with only two closets, both of which are in the bedroom.... I'm still trying to find a way to get my husband out of his closet :P Love it!


  2. Love it, so cozy! Found your blog, and thought I’d comment. Oh, can I please have that book with seven Jane Austen novels? :)

    -Victoria Horea

  3. Okay, this post has three of my favourite things on earth in it: owls, french bulldogs and Jane Austen.

    Girl, I'm a follower for life--it cannot get any better than this, so why should I ever look elsewhere?

    1. Tessems...thank you so much, you are too sweet!
      Although I must tell you, he is a boston terrier, not a frenchie...hope that doesn't sway your want to follow me ;)
      Thanks again!

  4. Found you via the blog hop!

    I love the owl! Give me owls any day and I'm in! :)

    Project Lovegood
