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Music and Celebritys (language warning)

Today I was driving my little brother, 13 years old, around town.  Usually I won't let him play his i-pod because the music he has on it is just plain nasty but today I was feeling nice...now I feel like I just watched porn. 

All of his music talks about 'pussy', 'bootie on my dick', 'bitch opened her gap', etc. Don't get me wrong, when I am feeling hot and am getting ready to go out, music like that is fun to listen to...but even then, I won't go that vulgar.  I just don't understand why artists and celebrity's, the people with some of the biggest influence over society, choose to sing about sex and its vulgarity. 

If I had that much influence over society and I knew that teenagers looked up to me, or even listened to me on a daily basis, I sure wouldn't be talking about the one thing that everyone is going to do regardless.  Why is it necessary to write every single song about sex?  Sure, its great...but its not so great that I need to sing about every detail of it for the world to hear.  

Is there really nothing more inspiring in this life to pop culture artists than 'pussy and dick'?

With all of their influence over society (what clothes are popular, what pass times are popular, what lingo is popular, etc) I would think that there would be more artists like Tracy Chapman who pretty much only writes about how worried we should be about our world and how we should be taking care of the poor instead of continuously trying to rise above each other.  I mean I would even be happy with more of Selena Gomez talking about how girls should love who they are and one direction making girls  believe they are beautiful rather...just as long as music and pop culture is inspiring something more than sex.

Anyway..that was my rant.  I like mainstream music as much as anyone else but if you feel like listening to a few of my favorite songs that aim to motivate a better world, they are below.  
Do you have any favorite songs like this?



  1. I TOTALLY agree with you. you pretty much summed up everything with this post. You're definitely not alone on this.

    found the route

  2. I so know what you mean. I don't mind inappropriate lyrics for the most part, but there are definitely some songs that take it way too far.
