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I'm Back....again!

If finals didn't take up enough of my time, over the past few weeks I have also been working, wrapping up my internship, and moving into my boyfriend's house! 
I am almost done moving...I cant believe how much random crap I had stored in my condo; whats even more amazing is how we got it to fit into his place along with his and his roommate's stuff.
Now that the month of crazy is coming to a close and summer is emerging, I will be able to dedicate some much, much needed love to the blogging world!

Here is a giant 'insta-post' to sum up my life over the past month or so
 1. Bentley had a few baths
2. Preparation for bikini season
3. B tanning while I wrote a final paper
5. April showers bring May flowers
 1. We got a new BBQ & Jake declared himself a true man
2. Crazy hair day at work
3. Jake's grandma got me a pearl, jasper, and amethyst necklace
4. Now that I have time to train in martial arts again....my skin will constantly look this way
1. New baby at work
2. One of my students brought me flowers
3. Bentley loves our new sectional
4. I have found a love for Yoga
1. Taking a break from moving (note the small portion of my favorite painting in the background)
2. Summer Closet = Happy!
3. Adira likes her new home 
4. My view at work every day



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