Don't get me wrong, I appreciate school and am thankful that I get to continue my education for as long as I please however school really puts a damper on life sometimes and reading (non-textbooks) is definitely one of those things that gets pushed aside.
Now that I'm on a break, my kindle can get some attention and I am SO excited.
I started this book in the middle of the semester and it is amazing. Half the Sky is one of the most powerful books I have ever read. Two journalists travel to China, India, Africa, and more to document the oppression that women face in our world today...oppression that is unimaginable to most of us in the developed world. There were times in this book in which I had to put it down because the stories that these women have were so painful and I cried with almost every story.
It is not all sad though. The authors of this book started purely as journalists but soon found themselves as advocates for women...after all, women are half the sky. In some cases, they reached out the the women that they write about and helped them transform into strong role models and in other cases, they simply document women overcoming a world that wishes to only tear them down.
This book also gives a million ways in which any person could make a difference in these issues and even contact numbers for women's schools and hospitals that are constantly in need of American volunteers.
I do no justice to this book with my summary so I will post a few links that talk about it more in depth however I think that Half the Sky is a book that has the power to initiate change.
I once had an english teacher who said "The only books worth reading are the ones that can change your soul" and this book is the second book that I have found that has the power to do this...every one, especially women, should read it.
(P.S.- the book won a Pulitzer Prize)
I just started this book yesterday; I am not one for thrillers or mysteries but I had seen this particular book in too many hands to ignore it. So far it is really good, really well written, and it captured my attention almost immediately. I am not one of those readers who can put up with a boring beginning because it will get good later...write a good book from start to finish please!
Anyway, I am no good at summaries so here is one from Goodreads:
"Andy Barber has been an assistant district attorney in his suburban Massachusetts county for more than twenty years. He is respected in his community, tenacious in the courtroom, and happy at home with his wife, Laurie, and son, Jacob. But when a shocking crime shatters their New England town, Andy is blindsided by what happens next: His fourteen-year-old son is charged with the murder of a fellow student." Read More..
Have you read ay note-worthy books lately? Please let me know, I am excited for a summer of reading!
Oh...and, ever since I was a little girl I have wanted a window nook; when I was little I thought that window nooks were incredibly 'princessy' but now I envy them for reading. Someday....

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