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This semester is kicking my booty.  I don't know why this one feels so much harder than my previous semesters.  Really it is probably just an overwhelming lack of motivation since the beginning.  
So I apologize for my lack of effort into this blog...as soon as Summer saves me, it shall flourish.  
I am in such a rut with school lately.  I go full time, I work full time, and I have an internship.  That literally leave zero time for anything else once you pile homework on top of that.  I have no time for my family, no time for my boyy, no time for my puppy, but most importantly..no time for me! Allllll I want is to have time to go to the gym and train in martial arts but I can't. Oh..and I would just love to have some time to clean my house, but out of all the things I could do at the end of my day, cleaning is bottom priority.  Am I just bad with time management?
Anywho...here is life lately through the eye of an iphone
Easter :) This Dress reminded me of Easter Eggs
Cake that my little sis made for Easter

Study, Study, Study your life away.
I sure do love this boy with all that I am
He hates pictures so I was really happy that he was willing to pose for one.
3 people, not of the same group, all wearing the same exact jeans on campus.
Hopefully sometime soon I won't feel so stressed out an I'll have time to get back to doing things for me! 



  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! and thank you for stopping by my blog! I'll be heading over to yours soon!
