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Doggy Days

This is like the first Saturday that was both nice and work-free.  Usually its one or the other so today I was super excited to take Bentley to a new dog park.  It was huge! The dog park I used to take him to was tiny and no one actually wanted their dogs to play..so weird.  Before we went, we stopped at Petco to buy a Frisbee.  Jake and I weren't sure if he would care for it but I'm pretty sure it is his new favorite toy now!

First Order of Business...Find a New Toy
Jake and Bentley.  My two greatest loves.
Making Friends
The Aftermath...his favorite part!



  1. I know what you mean! I always work saturdays, and hate working saturdays when its really nice out. Hopefully, that will change soon. Your puppy is the cutest!

  2. Your pup is absolutely ADORABLE, oh my goodness!

  3. Thank you so much, girls! I'll be stopping by your blogs today, thanks for stopping by mine!
